I was going to write a whole post on kindness, but I think this conversation does a much better job than my scribbles were doing.
Anonymous: what're you up to?
Me: hrmm. Writing. Or attempting to.
Anonymous:Writing what? If you don't mind me asking.
Me: My thoughts on kindness.
Anonymous: Why did you choose that topic?
Me: Because of a conversation I had with one of my friends a while ago.
Anonymous: who me? lol. How egotistic of me.
Me: Naw, my friend _____.
Anonymous: Why did you have that conversation?
Me: Because I used to buy him lunch.
Anonymous: Oh. That's really nice. You know though, you have to be one of the sweetest people, I mean _____'s the only person who, aside from my family, that puts up with my shit. lolz
I mean and my like best friend but he doesn't count.
Me: See, that's why I'm writing this. Because I don't think that's necessarily true.
Anonymous: Why? Why do you refuse to believe that you are really nice?
Me: I'm not saying I'm not a nice person. I'm saying that everyone else is nice, too, they're just afraid to show it.
Anonymous: Ok Dr. Pangloss.
Me: It's not just senseless optimism. I really do believe that, and I've certainly seen enough proof of it in my life.
Anonymous: Okay, well if you have experienced it. You're lucky then or you just are really optimistic and try and see all the good in it.
Me: But what's the point of trying to see all the bad in everything other than to learn from it? And I've learned too much about the bad. But that's beside the point.
Anonymous: Just because people all have good in them it doesn't mean they are going to choose to show it and that makes them good by default. They HAVE to CHOOSE to show it! A MAN CHOOSES A SLAVE OBEYS missy.
Me: Well, of course. That's what I'm saying. But choosing has nothing to do with how "kind" a person is. It just has to do with the way they were raised, and how appropriate they think it is for them to show that kindness.
Anonymous: Well you're sweeter then most because you choose to be nice.
No. life is all about choice.
Me: Okay, so life is all about choice. By your own logic, why, then, do you not choose to be a confident person?
Anonymous: I do my best to choose to be a confident person, nothing is out of my power though. I could choose to ignore the silly things I get low about or I could look on the more positive side of things. But I don't because it's easier not to.
Me: Exactly. That's what i'm saying. Watch this:
I do my best to choose to be a NICE person, nothing is out of my power though. I could choose to ignore SOCIETY'S VIEW ON WHAT'S APPROPRIATE or I could CHOOSE TO BE A NICE PERSON REGARDLESS.
Same song, different verse.
Anonymous: Ok, so you choose where other people choose not to.
Me: That doesn't make me nicer than anyone else. It makes me smarter.
Anonymous: Which means that you think more of others then yourself. It makes you both.
Me: No, it really doesn't.
Anonymous: Nothing is black and white.
Why? Why can't you be both?
Me: Because I can't claim some wonderful quality that doesn't exist. And it's not modesty: I'll freely admit that I'm smarter than the average bear. I'm simply less censored.
And sure, on the small scale of things, people take it the wrong way. But that's not what it's about. In the bigger picture, it just makes the world a better place.
It's just breaking habits.
And so on.
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